



Stroke Recovery

Therapies We Use To Treat:

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Brain Gauge

When cells in the brain die, either from trauma or lack of oxygen as experienced in a stroke, blood plasma leaks into the surrounding brain tissue causing swelling and reduced blood flow. Without the appropriate level of oxygen these cells become dormant. In extreme cases these cells will go on to die, releasing extra liquid and perpetuating the same cycle.

HBOT dramatically increases the oxygen carried in the blood plasma, making oxygen available to the damaged capillary walls, preventing plasma leakage and reducing swelling.  As swelling decreases, blood flow can be restored to the dormant tissue halting the progression of damage. With regular treatment, these cells then have the potential to function again.

research at the University of Tel Aviv in Israel shows mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be incredibly effective in as little as 2 months.

The findings showed in 74 patients who had experienced strokes 6-36 months previously, increasing the level of dissolved oxygen using HBOT could activate neuroplasticity and improve stroke-induced neurologic deficiencies.

All the patients receiving mHBOT sustained significant neurologic improvements and had a better quality of life following treatment compared with at baseline, while no improvements were seen in the control group during the control period.

Because mHBOT therapy is non-invasive it can work alongside conventional rehab methods for stroke recovery. Talk to us today about whether HBOT is suitable for you.